Inan official statement Fox Star India CEO Vijay Singh said “Despiteissues in certain centres on Friday, the movie has done exceptionallywell.” My Name Is Khan also became the biggest single day hitinternationally for a Bollywood movie. Mr. Singh added the movie earnedRs. 48 crore at the domestic box office and an estimated Rs. 42.2 croreinternationally. The movie earned a whopping Rs. 20 Crore in the US andanother Rs. 7.05 Crores in Australia.
Star FoxStudio had released close to 2,000 prints worldwide in the US, UK, Gulfregion and Australia. What's interesting is the fact that in many ofthe international markets the movie was among the top 5 givingcompetition to the likes of Avatar, Valentine's Day and The Wolfman. InIndia the movie did extremely well in Delhi-UP, West Bengal, Tamil Naduand Kerela and also in Maharashtra and Gujarat where it released amidstprotest.